Mr. Wilson's Tutorials - by Common Sense Education

3 Ways to Help Students Build Empathy Using Technology:

Can your students build empathy skills even while using technology? Yes! In fact, exercises that help students build empathy in digital spaces are a crucial part of positive social and emotional learning.

Plus, using empathy skills online is integral for helping kids become responsible digital citizens.

Here are three ways teachers can give students practice using empathy online — just like they face-to-face situations.

How to Assign Group Work in Google Classroom:

It's gotten a whole lot easier to assign group work in Google Classroom. Learn how to use Google Classroom's assignments feature to create and manage group projects for students. Simply create a new assignment, de-select "all students," select the student in the appropriate group, and title the assignment to clearly identify the responsible group.

Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets: This Week, Next Week, Last Week:

We've covered a lot about using custom formulas for conditional formatting in Google Sheets, especially color-coding cells based on the date. Now let's look at how to color-code cells based on whether a date contained in a cell falls in this week, next week, last week, or any other week.

 Google Apps:  Applying Conditional Formatting Across Sheets:

Common wisdom says you just can't apply conditional formatting in a Google Apps spreadsheet using data from a different sheet. But here at THE Journal, we laugh in the face of wisdom, common or otherwise. But is such jocularity justified? Read on.


Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week in Your Classroom!

Each October, Common Sense leads Digital Citizenship Week, an annual campaign to promote a healthy, balanced, and positive approach to media and tech use among young people.

Join us, along with thousands of teachers worldwide, to promote digital citizenship in your school. You can try out just one lesson, or participate all week with our helpful calendars of suggested activities and resources for every grade, K–12.

Elementary School Calendars

Middle School Calendar

High School Calendar